Nintex Workflow -Display Item Attachment in email or Request Data form

I had a requirement where my customer wants me to display the list item attachment to the "Request Data" form of Nintex workflow.

when a task will be created for first user, he/she should be able to see the attachment tag to the list item. I am not sure if there are many ways to do that, but after checking the nintex website, I found the below solution and found it workable for my case.

Please click on the below link and see the full details about how can you achieve this.

Display list item attachment on Email or Request Data form

Date Format using javascript

Below is the code to change different format of date using a javascript. If you have a date in a string format, you can use the string functions of javascript to give any format you want.

I have a date format which is in m-d-yyyy format and I want to change it in dd-mm-yy format.

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
var vArticledate=$("#datefield").text();
var dt = vArticledate.split("/");

var iMonth=dt[0];

var iDay=dt[1];

var iYear=dt[2];
iYear = iYear.substring(iYear.indexOf("0")+1,iYear.length);

document.getElementById('datefield').innerHTML = "<b>"+iDay +"-"+iMonth+"-"+iYear+" </b>";
