Open Pdf file from SharePoint to Client Application and not on Browser

PDF files which are stored in a Sharepoint document library open browser automatically.
Even if you configure the advanced settings in the document library for browser-enabled documents to open in the client application, but it still opens the pdf in the web browser.

To solve this issue, you can use the below steps.

1- Go to your web browser.
2- Click on Add-ons.
3- Select "All Add-ons" from dropdown.
4- Select Adobe Reader add on and Disable it.
5- Refresh the browser.
6- Try to open the pdf file it will ask to open it in client applciation.

Checked-Out dates for documents

Nice script from internet to check the "Checked-Out date" for checked out documents

# enter your site URL
Add-PSSnapin microsoft.sharepoint.powershell
$spWeb = Get-SPWeb "Enter your website URL"

function GetCheckedItems($spWeb)
Write-Host "Scanning Site: $($spWeb.Url)"
foreach ($list in ($spWeb.Lists | ? {$_ -is [Microsoft.SharePoint.SPDocumentLibrary]})) {
    Write-Host "Scanning List: $($list.RootFolder.ServerRelativeUrl)"
    foreach ($item in $list.CheckedOutFiles) {
        if (!$item.Url.EndsWith(".aspx")) { continue }
        $writeTable = @{
        "Checked Out By"=$item.CheckedOutBy;
        "Checked Out Since"=$item.CheckedOutDate.ToString();
    "File Size (KB)"=$item.File.Length/1000;
        New-Object PSObject -Property $writeTable
    foreach ($item in $list.Items) {
        if ($item.File.CheckOutStatus -ne "None") {
            if (($list.CheckedOutFiles | where {$_.ListItemId -eq $item.ID}) -ne $null) { continue }
            $writeTable = @{
            "Checked Out By"=$item.File.CheckedOutByUser.LoginName;
            "Checked Out Since"=$item.File.CheckedOutDate.ToString();
        "File Size (KB)"=$item.File.Length/1000;
            New-Object PSObject -Property $writeTable
foreach($subWeb in $spWeb.Webs)

GetCheckedItems($spWeb) | Out-GridView

# alternative output file
# GetCheckedItems($spWeb) | Out-File c:\CheckedOutItems.txt -width 300