Know the site template used for the SharePoint site

Using STSADM.EXE: It needs high level permissions. Means the user should be an administrator on the server. Below is the command we need to use for knowing the site template. stsadm.exe -o enumallwebs -database [content database name] for more details see the below link

SharePoint 2003 to MOSS 2007 Upgrade: Database migration

I found a really nice article about database migration from SharePoint 2003 to MOSS 2007.

the blog post describe, how to take a backup of SP 2003 content database and migrate the same in MOSS 2007 with step by step instruction

Decompile .net assembly ildasm

if you want to de compile a .net assembly (dll), you can use a visual studio option to de-complie it.

if you have visual studio installed in the machine. 

1- Go to Visual Studio Tools --> Visual Studio command prompt.
2- write ILDASM

it will open an interface where you can open your dotnet assembly and de-compile it. the best option to decompile any .net dll is .Net Reflector by red-gate. Please visit the below link to download the .Net reflector. It allows you to export the entire source code with in the assembly.

Error : The attach operation cannot continue because another object in this farm already contains the same ID

In SharePoint 2013. I tried to remove the content DB from the web application by using the remove database option.
after this, I tried to add the content database to the same web application again, but I was continuously getting the error : "The attach operation cannot continue because another object in this farm already contains the same ID"

I found some powershell, through which you can get rid of this problem. it is for sure that the content DB is attached to the web application but some how it is not visible and that's why I was not able the content DB to the web application.

To check if the Database is already connected to the web application, use the below PS command.

Get-SPDatabase | where{$_.Name -eq “Name of your WEB Application“}

This PS will give you the result, if the content DB is already attached.the details provided by this command 
Web Application
Current Site count.

Now you can take the ID of this content DB and use the below command to remove this DB from Web application.
Note: You can also use name but sometime name doesn't work properly.

Dismount-SPContentDatabase 12345678-90ab-cdef-1234-567890abcdef
This way it will dismout the content DB and now you can add the 
content DB to the web application from central admin or use the below
command to mount it
Mount-SPContentDatabase “MyDatabase” -DatabaseServer "MyServer" -WebApplication http://sitename

Get Started with Powershell for SharePoint

Below is the nice link to get start with SharePoint powershell..

simple-talk Link 

SharePoint 2010: Content Type Hubs

Sharepoint 2010 and 2013 has a new feature called "Content type hubs". where we can share the same content type between multiple web application. the use of this feature is to reuse the already created content type from one web application to another web application. 

below is the nice atricle about this.

Nintex Workflow -Display Item Attachment in email or Request Data form

I had a requirement where my customer wants me to display the list item attachment to the "Request Data" form of Nintex workflow.

when a task will be created for first user, he/she should be able to see the attachment tag to the list item. I am not sure if there are many ways to do that, but after checking the nintex website, I found the below solution and found it workable for my case.

Please click on the below link and see the full details about how can you achieve this.

Display list item attachment on Email or Request Data form

Date Format using javascript

Below is the code to change different format of date using a javascript. If you have a date in a string format, you can use the string functions of javascript to give any format you want.

I have a date format which is in m-d-yyyy format and I want to change it in dd-mm-yy format.

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
var vArticledate=$("#datefield").text();
var dt = vArticledate.split("/");

var iMonth=dt[0];

var iDay=dt[1];

var iYear=dt[2];
iYear = iYear.substring(iYear.indexOf("0")+1,iYear.length);

document.getElementById('datefield').innerHTML = "<b>"+iDay +"-"+iMonth+"-"+iYear+" </b>";


PowerShell - Update Same ElementTag in many XML files using PowerShell

If you want to update the same ElementTag in many xml files, below is the PowerShell code.

$location = "Specify your location here"
$items = Get-ChildItem -Path $location
foreach ($item in $items)
      # if the item is a directory, then process it.
      if ($item.Attributes -ne "directory")
            if ($item.Extension -eq ".xml")
                Write-Host $item.Name
                $file = $location + "\" + $item.Name
                $file = $item.Name
                $xml = New-Object XML 
                $xml.ProjectDescription.ChildNodes.Item(0)."#text" = "Value updated by Powershell"