Windows PowerShell script for reading the SharePoint Secure Store

when you assign a credential in a secure store for any target application. there is no way to check which credentials you used last time.
Below powershell script can be used to read the credentials inside the secure store.

Powershell to update quick launch in SharePoint 2013

Below is the powershell, which is being used to

1- update the title and URL of existing heading in left navigation.
2- add all the sibling subsites (title and URL) as a node under the heading.

#SharePoint site url
$MainSiteURL = "Site URL for which you want to change the quick launch"
$ParentSiteURL = "Site URL of the parrent site of above site as you want to add the sibling subsites"
$ParentSiteName = "Name of a parent site"

#Get the SPWeb object for the site url           
$MainWeb = get-spweb $MainSiteURL
$ParentWeb = get-spweb $ParentSiteURL

#Get the quick launch menu           
$ql = $MainWeb.Navigation.QuickLaunch;           

#change the heading title and URL
$qlHeading = $ql | where { $_.Title -eq "subsites" }
$qlHeading.Title = $ParentSiteName
$qlHeading.Url = $ParentSiteURL

# get all subsites
if($ParentWeb.Webs -ne $null)
    foreach($sitesUnderParentWeb in $ParentWeb.Webs)
        # to create a new node
        $newnode = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Navigation.SPNavigationNode($sitesUnderParentWeb.Title, $sitesUnderParentWeb.Url, $true)
        # add this node to heading